What We Offer: Sourcing

Interior design is all about personal taste, and creating functional and practical solutions.  While working with our clients during the structural renovation phase, we’ve found once they reach mid-to-end renovation and are starting to look at furnishings, artwork and accessories, they have no idea where to begin.

Are you finding this challenging too? We understand completely. It can be daunting to find and source everything yourself, creating space in your calendar to invest time on it, as well as ensuring the pieces are suitable and stylish, and proportionally fit. A lot to think about isn’t it?

Well, we’ve got you covered. From furniture to linen, to artwork, mirrors and accessories; we offer the service of assisting our clients in sourcing each item individually. We work with you on researching appropriate pieces for the home, achieving a stylish and consistent design and ensuring your budget requirements are met. 

We invite you to get in touch with us and we look forward to working with you on your next project!